Description: The City of Cape Town is a competent local authority in terms of the National Heritage Resources Act, and is responsible for the identification (grading) and managment of Grade III heritage resources. Grade III heritage resources are local significance heritage resources worthy of conservation.This layer represents the sites formally protected in terms of the National Heritage Resources Act i.e. Grade I and Grade II, as well as those Grade III protected by the Heritage Register, Protected Areas, Heritage Areas and Provisional Protections were relevant.
Copyright Text: The heritage database is managed and maintained by the Metro Branch of E&HM. The field audit is being undertaken by two teams of heritage consultants.
The extent of the formally protected areas have been mapped as accurately as possible, based on the schedule included in the Gazette Notices. In cases where properties have erroneously been included in the Gazette Notice, and where corrections have not yet been published, those properties are included in this map as they are legally still declared.
Queries can be directed to Mr David Hart (
Description: This featureclass replaces the predominately built environment heritage inventory and has classifies each heritage resource by heritage category. While the content remains largely focused on the built environment, other categories of heritage resource i.e. archaeology, burials and burial grounds, living heritage, objects and cultural landscapes are also identified and assessed in terms of their heritage value (i.e. graded).
Copyright Text: The heritage inventory is managed and maintained by the Metro branch of E&HM. This layer forms part of a three featureclass geodatabase that represents the spatial component of eHeritage (integrated heritage information management system). The Heritage Inventory geodatabase is designed by the City's GIS Corporate Services and remains the intellectual property of the City.
Enquiries and comments regarding grading and heritage information are to be made via email to or
Description: This featureclass replaces the predominately built environment heritage inventory and has classifies each heritage resource by heritage category.While the content remains largely focused on the built environment, other categories of heritage resource i.e. archaeology, burials and burial grounds, living heritage, objects and cultural landscapes are also identified and assessed in terms of their heritage value (i.e. graded).
Copyright Text: The heritage inventory is managed and maintained by the Metro branch of E&HM. This layer forms part of a three featureclass geodatabase that represents the spatial component of eHeritage (integrated heritage information management system). The Heritage Inventory geodatabase is designed by the City's GIS Corporate Services and remains the intellectual property of the City.
Enquiries and comments regarding grading and heritage information are to be made via email to or
Description: This layer represents the areas that have been identified for heritage conservation and formally protected under either the Municipal Planning Bylaw (i.e. Heritage Protection Overlay) or the National Heritage Resources Act (i.e. Heritage Areas). This layer also identifies those areas which have been identified for investigation for such formal protection and are designated as proposed Heritage Protection Overlay or proposed Heritage Areas.As a result of identifying areas for heritage conservation, the City is also identifying those areas where heritage value is low and where development can be encouraged with a minimal negative impact on the heritage qualities of a place. In order to facilitate the ease of doing business in these areas, the City is applying for exemptions in terms of S34 and S38 of the National Heritage Resources Act. These exemptions are accommodated within the National Heritage Resources Act and will contribute to reducing administrative burden.
Copyright Text: The heritage inventory is managed and maintained by the Metro branch of E&HM. This layer forms part of a three featureclass geodatabase that represents the spatial component of eHeritage (integrated heritage information management system). The Heritage Inventory geodatabase is designed by the City's GIS Corporate Services and remains the intellectual property of the City.
Enquiries and comments regarding grading and heritage information are to be made via email to or
Description: The City of Cape Town, in order to fulfil its obligation to sustainable development, must promote economic and social development, as well as promoting the conservation and protection of the natural and cultural environment. The City of Cape Town is a competent local authority in terms of the NHRA. The identification and management of Grade III heritage resources are the responsibility of the competent local authority.The Municipal Planning By-Law (2015) (MPBL) was enacted by the City of Cape Town from 1 July 2015 and replaced 2013 Cape Town Zoning Scheme. Included in this By-Law is the concept of overlay zonings. The overlay zoning provides a mechanism to designate either city-wide or localised development management rules to deal with specific concerns, over and above the provisions of a base zoning. One such overlay zone is the Heritage Protection Overlay (HPO). The Heritage Protection Overlay within the DMS is the mechanism for the protection of heritage places and areas that are considered conservation worthy in terms of the City’s heritage strategies and the National Heritage Resources Act (Act 25 of 1999) (NHRA). Schedule 3, Division II Item 18 states: “All Heritage Protection Overlay Zones as published in the Provincial Gazette are deemed to be heritage areas in accordance with the NHRA.”
Copyright Text: This database is managed and maintained by the Metro Branch of E&HM.
Enquiries and comments regarding grading and heritage information are to be made via email to or
Description: This layer represents the areas that have been identified for heritage conservation and formally protected under either the Municipal Planning Bylaw (i.e. Heritage Protection Overlay) or the National Heritage Resources Act (i.e. Heritage Areas). This layer also identifies those areas which have been identified for investigation for such formal protection and are designated as proposed Heritage Protection Overlay or proposed Heritage Areas.As a result of identifying areas for heritage conservation, the City is also identifying those areas where heritage value is low and where development can be encouraged with a minimal negative impact on the heritage qualities of a place. In order to facilitate the ease of doing business in these areas, the City is applying for exemptions in terms of S34 and S38 of the National Heritage Resources Act. These exemptions are accommodated within the National Heritage Resources Act and will contribute to reducing administrative burden.
Copyright Text: The heritage inventory is managed and maintained by the Metro branch of E&HM. This layer forms part of a three featureclass geodatabase that represents the spatial component of eHeritage (integrated heritage information management system). The Heritage Inventory geodatabase is designed by the City's GIS Corporate Services and remains the intellectual property of the City.
Enquiries and comments regarding grading and heritage information are to be made via email to or