Description: The Polyphagous Shot Hole Borer Beetle (PSHB) is invading and poses a threat to our exotic and indigenous trees in the City of Cape Town.The beetle most likely spread through the movement of infested wood, originating from dead or dying PSHB infested trees, including wood to be used for cooking or heating. The beetle is the size of a sesame seed, approximately 2mm in length, and it often targets threatened trees across South-Africa.This dataset aims to track the extent to which this beetle has invaded and its spread over time in the City of Cape Town.
Copyright Text: Environmental Management,
City of Cape Town
Description: Remnant coastal dunes of the City of Cape Town: 20150205. Developed as part of the coastal zone and biodiversity strategies of the City of Cape Town in 2002
Copyright Text: City of Cape Town - created for City of Cape Town by COASTEC
Description: Terrestrial Biodiversity Network areas: prioritisation of remnants of indigenous vegetation. Layer to be used in conjunction with the wetlands and rivers layers (the Biodiversity Network's aquatic features).
[0, 0, 0, 255] Background Color: N/A Outline Color: N/A Vertical Alignment: bottom Horizontal Alignment: left Right to Left: false Angle: 0 XOffset: 0 YOffset: 0 Size: 8 Font Family: Arial Font Style: normal Font Weight: normal Font Decoration: none
Description: Floristically based vegetation units of Cape Town. Current extent of indigenous vegetation types and subtypes of the City of Cape Town:20170411
Copyright Text: City of Cape Town based on SANBI's National Vegetation Map
Description: Floristically based vegetation units of Cape Town. Historic extent of indigenous vegetation types and subtypes of the City of Cape Town:20170411
Copyright Text: City of Cape Town based on SANBI's National Vegetation Map
Description: Floristically based vegetation units of Cape Town. Current extent of indigenous vegetation types and subtypes of the City of Cape Town:20180416
Value: 4 Label: Soils with a marked clay accumulation, strongly structured and a non-reddish colour. In addition one or more of vertic, melanic and Description: Symbol:
Value: 5 Label: Soils with a sandy texture, leached and with subsurface accumulation of organic matter, iron and aluminium oxides, either deep or on Description: Symbol:
Value: 6 Label: Soils with minimal development, usually shallow on hard or weathering rock, with or without intermittent diverse soils. Lime rare or Description: Symbol:
type: esriFieldTypeInteger, alias: Symbol Description
Coded Values:
[1: Greyish, sandy excessively drained soils]
[2: Red and yellow, massive or weak structured soils with low to medium base status]
[3: Rock with limited soils]
, ...4 more...
type: esriFieldTypeInteger, alias: Symbol Class
Coded Values:
[1: Podzolic soils]
[2: Red-yellow well drained soils lacking a strong texture contrast]
[3: Rocky areas]
, ...3 more...
Description: Stormwater Waterbodies attenuate ground-surface water in natural and artificial wetlands and waterbodies comprized of feature types such as: Dam, Irrigation Pond, Marina, Open Reservoir, Quarry, Stormwater Depression, Stormwater Pond, Waste Water TW Pond, Waste Water TW Effluent Pond and Transformed wetlands.
Copyright Text: Environmental Resource Management Department, City of Cape Town