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Description: The division of the City into four planning and service delivery areas is part of the Organisational Development and Transformation Plan(ODTP). The ODTP aims to improve the way in which the City works and delivers services.Council’s current structure is the result of the creation of the Unicity in 2000, when seven former municipalities amalgamated intoone to standardise services, staff benefits and working conditions. That helped improve service delivery across the metro. This meanshaving strong central service departments combined with area-based project and performance management to ensure that servicelevels are being met in ways best suited to an area and a community’ s specific needs.
Copyright Text: Corporate GIS, DI & GIS Department, City of Cape Town
Description: All Suburbs are depicted through polygons that cover all the properties that form part of a Suburb. The attributes will contain the Official Suburb Name as well as a unique key for each Suburb.
Copyright Text: Transport & Urban Development Authority, Development Management
Description: Special Rating Area (SRA) refers to a clearly defined geographical area, in which property owners contribute additional rates to fund ‘top up’ services for that specific area as per the approved Business Plan.
Copyright Text: Transport & Urban Development Authority, Development Management
Description: The Wards dataset represent the boundaries of the 2016 Wards within the City of Cape Town. The boundaries serve to inform administrative delineation.
Copyright Text: GIS Spatial Data Management Section, Keller House, Loop Street, Cape Town and the Municipal Demarcation Board.